It’s a rare person who can look in the mirror and see beauty first. As a woman I believe I am powerful, wonderful, beautiful… on the inside. But when I see myself on the outside I am not so sure. And sometimes it makes a difference if the scale shows I’ve dropped a few pounds, or I just got a great haircut, or I am rocking those heels and push-up bra. But as I age, and I suspect, as others like me age, it becomes a little harder to find that inner boss bitch and let her out confidently and look past all that tries to weigh us down. It is part of why I started doing boudoir photography in the first place. Long before I realized how important it might be to rely on this as a cornerstone of my aging attitude, I knew that flaws and scars and cellulite and allllll the things are the first things we see when we dare to glimpse our bodies naked. I would argue (and I do argue with myself all the time about it) that we have to change our lens. Like changing a camera lens gives you a different perspective, changing the lens with which you see yourself can as well. We used to call a person naive if they saw the world through rose-colored glasses. But I say put the glasses on dammit, especially if it helps you see the truth, your truth, a little more softly. Stop berating yourself for all the things that aren’t the way you wish they were. Be who you are. Own the power you have. Wear what you want if it makes you feel confident. And maybe book a boudoir session as a first step out into embracing YOU. Yes, I will soften your skin and pose and light you in ways that show off your best, but I promise it is still you! Age, race, gender, scars, cellulite, weight…none of it matters when you walk in this door. You can be single, about to be married, complicated. It doesn’t matter. Stop the negative voices in your head, do a boudoir session instead, and find (and let out) your inner vixen! Your Inner Vixen awaits with Tucson Boudoir