

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where does my session take place?
A: Sessions take place in my studio or on-location if you have a cool location in mind. My home studio features a private room for changing and a wide open studio space.

Q: What times do sessions usually occur?
A: I am available almost any time of the day or night; within reason : ) I am willing to book around your schedule, especially if these are set in your home.

Q: Will you put my images on your website?
A: I only put images on my website from clients who agree, in writing (or email), to be part of the public portfolio. You get to choose which images go on and which do not. I believe the point of these images is to help you feel more confident in your body and yourself and if you don’t want others to see your images, they won’t be shared. You privacy is my priority.

Q: What if I am uncomfortable with my body?
A: The purpose of these sessions are to help you feel sexy, to inspire self esteem by using flattering light and poses to enhance your best features. Almost everyone is unhappy with something about their bodies – my job is to help you celebrate the beauty that you have and help you to see yourself in a unique way.

Q: Will anyone else be present at the time of my session?
A: No! The only person in my home studio will be me and you (and a friend if you decide to bring one). I do not recommend bringing children or significant others to the session – this should be time for YOU.

Q: Who edits the photographs? A: I believe in absolute discretion and I am the only one who edits these photos.

Q: Do you do nudes?
A: I have absolutely done successful nudes in the past that are more creative (and discreet) than revealing. I also believe a woman can be sensual without being completely naked. However, I believe the photographs are more powerful with the suggestion of nudity instead (ie lingerie, wraps or creative lighting). I work at your comfort level.

Q: Can I talk to one of your previous clients if I have questions about what the sessions are like?
A: Absolutely. I am happy to connect you with one of my previous client who can tell you more about the experience. You can also email me at any time with more questions!

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  • Amanda ZamanOctober 17, 2014 - 1:23 pm

    I was wondering if I could get pricing info. I am interested in doing boudoir pictures for my husband for Christmas.


  • Nyki HarringtonMay 17, 2015 - 8:08 am

    I would like to get pricing on a session for myself and availability in the next month. Thanks!

  • Rachel SmithJuly 13, 2016 - 8:29 pm

    Do you have any openings now or in a few months?

  • Elizabeth BraswellNovember 18, 2016 - 6:08 pm

    Hi i would love to know pricing! my husband leaves for Korea soon and i want to secretly pack these picture for when he gets there and is “lonely”.

  • Emily AlankoMay 31, 2017 - 2:11 pm

    Good afternoon,
    I was just wondering what your pricing was, thank you.

real women boudoir photography by jacquelynn

Serving Tucson

and all across Arizona